April 30, 2011


STIFF - BY: MARY ROACH (Precis of pg.1 - 86)

Why bury/cremate your body when you can donate it to science, fostering advances in science and saving lives. This book is about achievements made with dead bodies; I've seen many cadavers to create this book, the first being my mothers in an open casket all made-up. I attended an anatomy class for plastic surgeon practice at UCSF. Doctors/students objectify the cadavers to ease the dissecting. All the head kinds vary sitting there in meat roasting pans, I think of them as masks. Before, cadavers were hard to come by and going under surgery had a 50% mortality rate, with no anesthesia. Surgery had a cabaret atmosphere, it boiled down to the poor donating their bodies, there were no consent forms and surgeons would do as they please. There was no respect for cadavers. Yearly at UCSF the anatomy division conducts a memorial service for all the cadavers used. Previously dissection was degree hire for criminal punishment. In the 1700’s anatomy schools began digging up cadavers, they equaled tuition. Anatomist would hire people to dig up bodies, thus came the famous case of Knox who received bodies from Burke & Hare who murder the bodies, and then delivered them fresh. Burke & Knox were both hung and Knox’s skeleton still remains in a museum today. In ancient Rome & Greece they were against human dissection, thus knew very little. In Columbia there was a case where the police were murdering the street urchins to sell their cadavers. I also went to a university where they study the decomposition of bodies under certain variables to aid in criminal justice. There are multiple phases of discomposure, maggots eat at the openings of the body, the bacteria within you eats you, resulting in gas that cannot escape, which swells bacteria rich areas eventually, exploding. There are beetles that eat your muscles as well as maggots and slowly your body melts into the ground. Next I visited a morgue where they embalm cadavers. In the 1600’s Dutch men found a way to embalm bodies because of the shortage of cadavers available for dissection. Embalming really grew during the civil war when the Army had 35,000 cadavers many needing to be transported to their families. Lincoln was then embalmed and brought around America, and it became a fad. Eventually the people warmed up to dissection because of the scientific advances.

• “Life contains these things: leakage and wickage and discharge, pus and snot and slime and gleet. We are biology. We are reminded of this at the beginning and the end, at birth and at death. In between we do what we can to forget” (PG. 83-84)

• “Where before they had been grains of rice, here they are cooked rice . . . They live like rice too, pressed together: a moist, solid entity. If you lower your head to within a foot or two of an infested corpse (and this I truly don’t recommend), you can hear them feeding. (PG. 68)

• Vesalius “ jackdaws aloft in their high chair, with egregious arrogance croaking things they have never investigated but merely committed to memory from the books of others. Thus everything is wrongly taught . . . . and days are wasted in ridiculous question.” (PG. 54)

It fascinates me that when we decompose what allows us to survive, then eats us. To me that’s super freaky but also so amazing. What the anatomist Vesalius once stated holds so true to me in relation to how our society survives and how we are taught in school. Most schools are simply taught through textbook and even alternative schools such as SOF that use different mediums we hardly learn through experience. Thus we cannot do much without a book, and simply are filled with information we do not have the chance to absorb and explore to find our own conclusions. I find the progression from where bodies being dissected was a criminal punishment very eye opening; how our religious views have changed as a result to science. From the belief that our whole body went up to heaven, now it simply being the spirit. It is as though the beliefs have changed to satisfy the comfort of the believers. Human parts being used for soap and such also intrigue me. I don’t see why this is more twisted than doing the same with any other mammal. I love Roach’s writing style, her descriptions are so vivid.

April 28, 2011

los veijos thoughts (READ. . . OR THE ONE BEFORE !!!! )

I once again asked what the word death connoted, they both looked at me surprised as if I had startled them. Wendy began to talk about her niece, bubbling to the thought that death is missing beings, Maman said missing. Both specimens want to donate their body to science and then be cremated. Wendy says this is because she likes the visual of the ashes being in different places and letting her loved ones take part, she’s says its also the easiest. She noted that “back in the day” if you did not have money they just threw a whole bunch of bodies in a pile covered them with some dirt and that was it, now the poor are cremated. She also says “we should just get back to being ashes real fast, turn into compost faster”. Maman believes her “spirit” will re-integrate with nature. On the terms of “after” death Wendy stated “WHAT HAPPPPENSSS, I haven’t a clue but . . . I know what I would like”. At one point Wendy used the expression “kick the bucket” I naively asked her what it meant, she said dying, just said in a way that is more removed and disconnected from the emotions that attribute with death.

After interviewing these older specimens I find that they seemed more sorrowful and reminiscent, my mother held it in her eyes, Wendy poured it out. My peers like my self had this attitude of “lets not mope around after a funeral, fuck that negative shit” lets just remember and keep it pushing. Yet these women seemed to remember and “keep it pushing” but there were deeper scars and emotions within their tattered hearts. Maman really seemed to think and censor what she thought before she spoke. Wendy would babble and bubble but through this she reached deeper thinking. Both women also avoided describing death itself, but how other deaths had affected them. Maybe they have lost their imagination, or think it is better to not pretend about the ultimate un-known. Wendy’s remark; humans being chucked in a pile and covered with dirt at first to me felt as dis-respectful, I feel this way because it does not give each person a spotlight. I reflect I don’t know if I agree with my bubbled thought. I feel as though maybe humans are scared of death because it is the ultimate un-known, and to counter balance this we spend a lifetime seeking to gain knowledge, attempting to avoid our fear. ALL MY INTERVIEWEES BELIVE WE HAVE SPIRTS (I should have asked them to tell me what a spirit is). I feel so many of our beliefs are based off of words from common vocabulary so we assume we know what it means but do we truly? Wendy said “when I kick the bucket”, I thought this was an interesting statement of removal, the images it brings to my mind: a strong push to tip the heavy weight, slowly the strong metal container tipping gushing of all its contents with a strong abrupt quick destruction, dispersing across the ground. I feel it really connotes a spirit i.e. the water leaving a shell, but the water seems to trickle and disperse into a huge puddle in surroundings, just like rippling.

April 26, 2011

homies view on "care of the dead" (OR THIS ONE)

I interviewed 4 men 17,18, 19 and 23. They all currently reside in upstate NY. 17,18, and 19 are seniors at Roxbury central school, 23 is a wwoofer at the organic farm. As soon as I posed my first question “what does the word death connote, make you think of?” a silent eerie but sinful smile seem to come upon all my interviewees faces. They all hold that look of mysterious daring, none of us knowing the answer to what death is. But yet they all seem to try and give us the assurance of what is despuse…. 23 with his holy smile said “life, the life after this”. 18 said “blackness non-existent” the second time I had asked him the question so he tacked on “ tough questions”. 17 said he would be “no longer with us, no longer here, not as much gone but in a different place”. All seeming to have an idea of what might be after if there is an after. Then I would ask the weirdest question of them all, what they would like to happen with the remains of their body. Which implies that I have this dream in my head that if a body remains someone would take care of it. This means I am assuming after my death there would be all these variables, other life, my body, family that cares. 3 of my interviewees said they wanted to be cremated and wanted their organs to be donated to science. 19 said he wants his body to be left to rot, he wants “a bone or sumthin’ left on this earth”. 23 has faith that he will be saved and go to heaven to find all his family after death that is if he is not damned to hell. But he says no one really knows where we are going, this is why you must have faith. I believe the contrary I just live life for the best day-by-day following my intuition wherever that may be. Not concerned by death which I have no control over, yet know is coming. He says “that is a ballzy way of living”. 17 said that when someone died he would just store the best memories of them somewhere in his brain and that’d be it. Those memories would be “filed in my brain” both conscious and sub conscious. All his pets and rodents he buried and “put them back where they belonged.” 23 said he buried all his pets when they died.

I believe that 17 & 23 seemed to bubble but only because they knew the answers to what they were responding, they seemed to be an ever fresh thought in there minds that they were sure of. Especially 23 with his Christian beliefs, he was reciting his fact and there seemed to be no thinking to do. 18 really seemed to think but did not seem to get that deep with his responses, they seemed to be only the surface, he seemed as though he was charting into deep waters in which he did not belong. All my interviewees seemed to be at discomfort with the thought of caskets and the “traditional American funeral” from many general conversations I have had over the topic recently there seems to be a major shift towards cremation, and it being the most popular and desired act towards care of the dead.

April 18, 2011

cuando muero

When I die, if others remain alive, my body remains and I have died under the constrains of civilization, I want to be abandoned at the top of a hill/mountain and I want my body to rot with time, slowly. I want the vultures, and the maggots and the bears and the coyotes to writhe upon my body satisfying the pits of their stomachs. I want my flesh to be mashed up and burn within them to be shat out, and in return grow new life. I want to become one with the grass, let the rain tether my skin, let my bones slowly erode until they become dirt, or whatever other matter. I don’t want to seem as if I am directing the abandonment of my body, I just want it TO ROT, and let the earth do it's 'thang. All in ALL no matter what is done with my body it will eventually becoming something else. That’s all that matters to me, I guess my fear of death. I want new life to form from my particles. Whether this stems from my fear or my perception of reality I am not sure. Don't try and preserve me, let me go. Suena con migo si queires pero no tratas de vivir con lo que no mas exsiste.

Being locked in a wooden box lined with silk seems traitorous, ridiculous, and utterly unnecessary. I don’t want to be in an urn, or in a room with other dead people, I don’t want people to pay tons of money to take care of me. I see coffins as a symbol for the fear of death, trying to preserve a space to "find" the gone forever. The ever-powerful ever-lasting stone is carved to be there as long as the “loved ones” live; yet it as well will slowly erode with time.

I don’t think the dead should be cared for, just moved far enough away that the stink of rotting flesh doesn’t impugn your nostrils. There should be minimal care to the dead, the caring is over. If the chance is given, right after the death it is closure to seep into the non-beating mass absorb the lasting energy that has been divulged into the atmosphere, absorb the energy, walk away and use that energy.

• Why are death certificates necessary?
• Why is simply dumping a body illegal?
• How much does the average American spend on funerals?

April 13, 2011


To NAIMA: Thanks for reading my blog mamasita!!! :D Thank-you for my recognition of my poem, It came naturally it just flowed, I like it because I didnt hesitate. I think you could only feel the passion though because you know me !! haha. I think that what your saying about the poem and the movie is really true, there is a sense of void between the two. I think that it is important to think about that for all my future blog post, giving a sense of background info. - asalamalakum

TO MY UNCLE SAM: Thanks for watching my movie ! I really appreciate your feedback since your the MASTER at compiling clips, and making movies ! I am very happy that you understood the message of my movie, and the style I was emulating. I definatley did not like the re-taping aspect of my movie either but because of time and exahustion constraincts I was subject to it. I also really wish I had the time to make more of a personal mix for the music so it would have been more specific to every segement, but once again I had ran out of time. I hope though to make more movies, not because of homework, but because I want, where I would give it the time it needs. I guess ill have to check out, Window Water Baby Moving !!! I had made the fimlming upside down as my own approach for trying to mix it up, but I have a feeling it was a ditraction and erk more than anything else for my viewers. MISSSSSS YOU!!!!! SEND ME A COOL VIDEO OF YOURS ? asalamalakum

TO MARTYNA: THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR WATCHING MY VIDEO! you are right, it did take alot of working to make the movie but I wouldnt say skill that much, I just used Imovie on my mac computer and was able to make it, it is not that complicated! I actually learned alot about how to make the movie while i was doing. GREAT! I wanted to break-up my clips to keep people interested, but also to have the animal and human sex really integrated. on the other hand I didnt really intend it to be humans versus animals, I was trying to say that we are animals and that we need to be more savage, I agree with you that many teens dont look for love, but I agree sometimes, I think our society takes sex to seriously and its nice to follow ones instics and be wild, BUTTTTT dont get me wrong there is a lot of emotion in sex for humans. I wonder if it is the same for the animals, based on the footage it seems like that for some but not for all.. Like the lepoards, they seem to be making "love" in my opinon. I think its great though that you were able to find your own message from my movie that was important to you. I think art is about having the viewer relate in their own personal way, not the way the artist "intends" so i like that. ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU, you could be making movies too, IN NO TIME !!! asalamalakum

April 11, 2011



TO BEATRICE: From what I understand PP is an orginization that provides free health care for women and families, and the government is planning on cutting there federal aid because of anti-abortion outcries, even though only 5% of there help is abortions and that money does not come from there federal aid. You attended a protest supporting PP and then created a movie about people who plan to have a family/kids.

I REALLY LOVED YOU VIDEO, the music undertoning- the dialouge was really nice. All your footage was complied VERY nicley and there was still some humour. It really gave a sense of planing for the future and following our insticts. I thought the way you represented this information was simple but powerful, ITS REALLY GREAT ! CONGRATZ !

your project matters to me because i have helped multiple friends get aid from planned parenthood and they are a great orginization. They really help support the common people that our system denies. It gives women the power to be sexual, safe, and not be judged. I think such programs are VERY IMPORTANT. I think supporting PP is imperative, please let me know of protest to come !

Slight advice, create or illustrate a stronger connection between the blog post and the movie.

TO NAIMA: Naima, your narrative discribing the doula training class you are going to take, your first memories of birth, and the deep discussion with your aunt about working with child delivery and the medical system was written with great beauty. It tied in the previous unit as well (I belive without intention) Which i belive is very powerful.

I realllllly liked the actions your taking, becoming a good friend of yours I can really see you as being a very helpful person in pregnancy. I think that you taking these courses is very interesting and EXPERIENTAL TO THE MAX ! I can't wait to hear how they go! I also really liked the opening story of your post it flowed like a river.

Your project matters to me because as a friend I value the relationship you have with your family and I feel these actions you are taking are going to have a major positive influence on your step mother and especially the little babe to come ! (hopefully) What story it will be to tell that you saw your sibling being born.
Casey, your narrative of following Dr. Moritz all day and getting to attend a c section, a mis-carrige, and multiple vaginal births. Also getting to see the attitudes of nurse practiconers hospital regulations, a doula, and you yourself participating in the birth I find is beautiful !

I really valued the manner that you narrated your post, there was detail, humor, passion, and fluidty. It made me feel as if I shadowed you that day as well.. I can even picture some parts in my mind ! WELL done !!

As a women your post matters to be because you were able to emotionally support a women in labor and truly connect to her and carlito without even knowing her. I think this is really beautiful and must impact the way you look at life. It as well really matters to me that you were able to have a "behind the scenes" visit where you were able to do many things that are not allowed, like catch the baby, hold a flap of skin, so on. I think this is very powerful because these are skills that all women should equire and should not be hidden from us.
TO ARIEL: Ariel, you shared you and your families intimate story about the birth of your premature sister and the hardships that came with her birth. you then reflected based on what you have learned summarizing that you would not like to have a baby in a hospital but in a birthing center. I completley agree girl !

What I valued about your post was how you were able to learn from your mothers decisions and hopefully imrpove the outcome for yourself. I also really valued that you wrote a narrative I think it changes from an essay and shows the true emotional side of birth, you make that clear expecially with the discription of your mothers hospital stay.

Your project matters to me because I think it is proof of another women empowering herself, it also shows a deep love between you and your family which i think is very important.

I really enjoyed your narritive, I would just suggest proof reading it before posting !

Great job !


FROM NAIMA:Wow, I really appreciate the creativity brought into your project. You explored your thoughts through these images that often bring a sense of discomfort among most people. This is because we aren't used to confronting our thoughts, even though they come naturally for most of us.

I really appreciated the poem that you wrote, I could totally imagine you speaking these words with passion, and I'm happy that you could communicate that through the internet!

I appreciated the topic because I felt like it is one that everyone can relate to. You have your own understanding that everyone is a sexual being and I appreciate your willingness to question sex being thought of as taboo among a large population in the united states ( i can't speak for any other place).

I still think that you have room for improvement in your writing. I wish that you would have introduced the poem and explained your thoughts being it and the video. A good way to think about it is to think, what if someone not exposed to pregnancy and birth were to see them, how would I prepare them to read my post? well... you get my drift? miss you! have fun in france!

Critique of "Savages" -

I found the main strength in this project to be in the balance between saying to the viewer "you are this, this is what you are" in a way that bordered on being didactic while at the same time using an approach that also brought about the beauty and wonder of what you are witnessing.

There is a tension created here between, on one side, the editing, pacing and even the hand-held camera re-filming of already filmed elements and on the other side the actual content of the images along with the musical choices. Not an easy balance to strike or maintain. I was reminded at times of the films of Stan Brackage, especially of "Window Water Baby Moving" which explored human birth through the use of montage.

I think there is courage behind having committed to this subject matter and trying to create a viewing experience that teeters on the edge of being confrontational while having sustained moments of relief to let the viewer simply take in the wonder and mystery of the processes depicted here.

Issues that I had follow -


At first I thought the opening of the film, with the upside down imagery, was being used as a way to abstract the biological processes depicted, but as the piece progressed and this was not used again (the upside down imagery) I was not sure that this was successful. Of course, this may have not been why the images were presented this way at all, but that is how I perceived them.

At times I had issues with the hand held nature of the re-filming. Sometimes it actually added to the almost poetic nature of the piece, while at other times, to me, it simply obscured the content.

I felt that the project stopped, as opposed to ending. It seemed like time had just run out on the project, and not that there was a "point" to the abruptness.


All in all I would say that this project was a success, and hope that you continue to explore the power of montage as a way to reinforce and sometimes create all new meaning via film editing.

Sam DeWitt

Eloise! You chose to investigate the subject of human sex vs. savage animal reproduction. You created a video collage containing sex and labor, and wrote a poem discussing the taboo subject of sex and giving birth.

I appreciate the work you must have put into the video. I am interested in movie making and I know that, at least for me, such a montage takes a lot of time and skill to stitch together. The way you transitioned between clips keeps the viewer awake, eager to know what will happen next.
Your topic matters to me because I have been thinking about how sex in our society is starting to become just another source of pleasure. Teenagers seem not to care about the emotional side of love-making. Its a shame that your project can't really be shared publicly because it could help some people realize that people should not become savage animals.

The combination of film and words made your project intriguing and gave me food for thought. Awesome work!

(PS Im sorry, my comment just wouldn't post in one part )

April 07, 2011

Savages by: Eloise*****


DUE TO SERIOUS CONTENT I cannot post my video as part of an academic course. If you are interested in seeing the footage please contact me as a friend and we can view it in a social but not academic situation. >:o (please contact me @ eloiseflesh@gmail.com)

Two Becoming One, and One Becoming Two:

The process some of us energetical entities use as our key to existence.
labeled in a multitude of ways
but essentially it is a simple trick of friction.
In our current society we view it as the complicated illness,

follow up procedure,

danger of a birth.

Women are sick,

rushed to hospital,


Not suitable for children to watch,
yet they have been there before.

Denying our commonality with our brothers and sisters.
Defying the rest, dominating our space;
categorized as “elite” and most “intelligent”.

Hiding and shunning the actions that we biologically crave.
Tis' there a difference between mating and fucking?
We joke ourselves to believe civilization is what we should aspire.

Walling in our movement,
hidden behind the black cloak,
tis’ taboo and to be ashamed.
Yet my existence, yours as well,
occurs because of this friction.
It is where I
altered states and now I shall not return?
Unless I am of age,
orrr married,
orrr in 4 walls?
One is not to pleasure while exposed,
or feel,
or scream,
or scratch,
or fart or burp.
One is to sit draped in white cloth denying ones savage attitude.

** I would like to acknowledge the people whom witnessed the making of this movie in public places including the tight quarters of an airplane. I hope you are not too disturbed!
***I would like to give credit to all the following links for posting there footage of animals, and for making there work accessible to myself. I am not taking credit for the visual documentation but the montage, This is in sorts a video collage . Thank-you very much for you great work:

April 06, 2011

recherce independent

Topic: Prenatal Maternal disposition

Bibliography Annotations:

1st Source:
I interviewed Blondel, the Gynecologist that delivered all my cousins and myself on my mothers side of the family. We discussed his patient’s family “rituals” in relation to patient’s age, desires and attitudes. There was a major focus on maternal attitude and outcomes of the delivery and the newborns medical condition. Most information was generalized based upon his years of practice, some was patient specific but ALL identities remained anonymous.

2nd Source:
I interviewed My Grandmother (mother of 3, last child was born: 1967), and My eldest Aunt (mother of 3, last child was born: 2008). We discussed how there pregnancies went, in correlation to there attitude and behaviors while pregnant. We also discussed the societal views of pregnancy, being married before, how most labors went, and media influences. I also interviewed my cousin (26) whom is planning to have a baby and her expectation and the belief of her capabilities when it comes to childbirth. In conclusion, a comparison of the 3 generations was conducted.

3rd Source:
Continuous education is needed in a lifestyle of health, and the younger it begins the better. Thus beginning with prenatal mannerisms including a balanced nutrition and maternal emotions and hormones. The studies conducted by the House of SH, multiple medical associations prove that having children in ones twenties and early thirties is optimal.

4th Source:
Physical conditions change as one increases in age. A study conducted with 4,130 white British women concluded that the optimal age to give birth is at the beginning of adulthood. This is because of the changing in fat locations and the activity of the reproduction and maintenance depots.

5th Source:
This paper explores the historical roots of the dorsal and lithotomic birthing positions. Stemming from the conflict in 1500 France between the prestige’s midwifes and mediocre obstetrics practice. This paper divulges the path of the emerging of such positions from inter-professional struggles. There has been questioning of the effectiveness of such birthing positions since 1882 and little has been done until now.

How this research can be developed:
Based on the collections aforementioned this could be expanded into a project evaluating the societal movement of having children later in life, versus having children at the optimal age. Questioning how our industrial society is effecting our biological predisposition. The interviews conducted are great evidence for how in the past century the advancing generations are changing their family values and child birthing “plans”. The medical studies are proof that early adulthood is the best time to have children because of ones body capabilities. Contrasted with industrialized societies expectations and “regulations” of having children later in life. Lastly the example of industrialized society affecting the facility of women giving birth can be also correlated with why we have children later in life even though it goes against our biological make up.


1st Source:
Blondel, Dr. . Personal Interview by Eloise Flesh . 4/4/2011. 4 Apr 2011.

2nd Source:
Burdin, Claude , Florence Burdin, and Agathe Pillet . Personal Interview by Eloise Flesh . 4/2/2011. 2 Apr 2011

3rd Source:
"Schoolchildren, maternal nutrition and generating healthy brains: the importance of lifecycle education for fertility, health and peace.." pubmed.gov . House SH, 20/1/2009. Web. 4 Apr 2011. .

4th Source:
Wells , JC, L Griffin , and P Treleaven . "Independent changes in female body shape with parity and age: A life-history approach to female adiposity.." pubmed.gov. Childhood Nutrition Research Centre, 22/8/2010. Web. 3 Apr 2011. .

5th Source:
Dundes , Lauren . "The Evolution of Maternal Birthing Positions ." Public Health Then and Now 77.5 (1987): 636-41. Web. 4 Apr 2011. . (Dundes 636-41)