November 24, 2010

II recently lost my Unlce to 3 types of cancer, and H.I.V, it was very hard for me and my family and was the first death I have encountered in mylife time that really pertained to someone I LOVED WITH ALL MY HEART. It was hard but to tell you the truth I have dealt with it really well. The reason in being so I belive is either because I am blocking it out (which I don't belive is the case) or is it because recentley I have come 2 terms that life ends and that that is what makes it so great and valuebale. If life went on forever there would be noneed for the sense of time. I also think its important that it to accept it because there is no other way and if people dread it if dying a slow death it only makes it that much harder.

What I find the saddest is when one has to die in a hospital it such an uninviting enviornment, with its bright florecent lights and white walls. Plastic chairs, and blasting ac at all times with windows that don't open. When my uncle was first admitted to the hospital for the first month he did nlt even have one doctor assigned to him. It is such alon unfamiliar place but for many people the end of there life is surrounded by such an enviornment.

The hardest experience I encountered with death was the last to days of my unclres death because not only was his soul trapped inside his body but you could see his body withering away. My uncle was a very loved man and had around 5 people in his room all the tim and people coming ang going and though he couldn't really speak make eye contact and the only movements he made were myscle spazms he was able to hear. And he must have gotten a million calls and peoples goodbyes. I've never heard of someone who was able to say goodbye before they died. Even tough he died of a young age I belive he was given this gift because he was an amazing man. In the end when he died I think its because he finally excepted that it was time for him to go. Since this experience I have had a diffrent outlook on death. I no longer see it as something horribly gruesome but something hard and important that is just part of life.

I do not belive in typical funerals but memorials, and I don't belive in wearing black, but wearing bright joyeux colors.

I belive in reincarnation, not really sure if it actually happens but I love the idea so I have faith in it. I also know the human body is something that withers away like any living matter eventually does. But soul is not a physicality but an energy, a force so whether each persons aurora transfers exactly to some other living matter I don't know. But I do think that auror at least infulences our world.


  1. Eloise,
    I'm sad to hear about your uncle. That was clearly very rough to go through. I agree about what you said regarding the hospital - they are very uninviting, yet common places to die. I'd be interested to know what you learn about reincarnation in the future, if you research it. I liked the way you described souls as an "energy". I'd never thought about it that way before.
    I suggest proofreading your work and having someone else also do so if possible, because it would have been easier and more enjoyable to read if there were not so many spelling and grammatical errors. Good job!

  2. Eloise,
    I admire your bravery sharing this and putting your deepest thoughts on paper. I wholeheartedly agree that the hospital is a most uninviting place to die, which is why my mom and I cared for my father in his own bed at home for his last days. We did not have a typical funeral, but a celebration of his artwork and life, which you also mentioned. Like Casey said, just proofread your writing to make sure that there are no major spelling errors, although personally it doesn't really bother me because you wrote a really heartfelt piece.

    Great job,
