October 23, 2010


Summary: Food Inc. (2008) by: Robert Kenner's purpose was to illustrate that "the way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years, than in previous centuries." and for the worst. The food industry is no longer about producing great produce from our earth but inventing food giving the company owners the best profit, at the expense of the consumer’s quality. The first agenda of this movie is to convince the viewer to eat healthy by exposing the antagonist’s food process. Food corporations objectify the product and de-skill the worker, to end up selling the product below the cost of production. The second agenda of this movie is to change the government, which simply encourages such a food system. This is done by laws such as the farm bill and capitalism fueling evil billionaires to receive what they want with bribing. Also laws facilitating their demeanors such as no health inspections, the FDA and USDA being run by share-holders and previous CEO’s and it being illicit to expose such factories.

Text vs. Movie:
The 2 forms of information both have different pros and cons, and the media forms should be used for different purposes. Most bluntly text is better at getting a lot of detailed information to the user. Movie is better for aiming at a more general population and less intelligent. This is because you can get a pretty good general knowledge about a subject in a short amount of time watching a movie. Now a day’s text is for a more dedicated and intelligent population because it takes time in our face paced society and you learn a lot more.
The movie offered an easy concept of percentages and numbers whereas when reading about numbers it is harder to realize the actual effect the numbers have, especially with percentages. For example when the movie had the pigs, cows, chickens going on an assembly line into the factory they showed how the companies dominated the market with shading the animal. This really gives the viewer how much they dominate the industry. Whereas when you simply read about it is less ingrained in your brain.
Books when you read them create a personalized image in your brain that you create, these images are more personal to one self, and have a personal feel to them. For example when reading about the slaughterhouses and the workers conditions you imagine it for your self so you feel like you are there and can really feel the workers pain and struggle. A movie creates an image for you so it is less personal and in this sense more factual because it is actually how it looks, or how they make it look. This can create a more shocking image because it is one you see but it gives you a sense of perceiving it from an exterior's view, as when reading its a view as if you were actually there, since you create it.
A movie also has a sense of brainwashing to it because it plays music behind it the scene, which can sway your emotion and create a way point of view that you might not be true to what you believe. A con from movies are that you can hear the persons tone of voice and see the expression they are making whereas in reading it is described to the reader, so the imagine it. This relates back to a book letting you create the image and a movie creating the image for you. I also think with text you really value words more and their meaning. When watching visuals you value them but on the surface one tends not to find their deeper meaning because they go by to quickly.

Thoughts: I believe the ending of the movie was intense because of the background sound and because of the words but that were powerful, but I believe the solution to their problems were made to simplistic. In thought this is what we need to change the world, we all take part by not indulging in their products because obviously the big corporations would be nothing without our money. But most viewers like Naima stated can't change their life style because of one movie, even though the incentive is clear and worth it. I believe the movie creators should have included easier things for the public to do such as the web links they provided. I also think it is very saddening that we as Americans are so brainwashed by branding and "what we 'know' is what is good" that we can't make lifestyle changes to save our health, our country, our government, or freedom, and our PLANET.

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