September 28, 2010

FOOD The dominant discourse

Dominant Discourse is the dominating factor of a subject, such as ideas, information, and points of view. This comes from the separate definitions, Dominant meaning the most influential, or most powerful. Discourse meaning a particular conversation in society that is maintained with rules and has certain boundaries such as, what kind of vocabulary is used, who can speak, when acceptable to speak, what can be spoken. The dominant discourse in the United States regarding food ways seem to be food as a healer or food as poison (Stated by Andy S.S teacher). This alone should signify the horrible state that our eating habits have come to. Either food is soo bad it’s poisonous, or people are so UN-HEALTHY and aren't educated on maintaining a healthy diet, so there are calling healthy food a healer, versus it simply being normality. 

The biggest problem in this discourse is getting Americans to eat healthy, and then have that nourishment be provided for them conveniently and affordably. Americans simply need to be educated on how they can prepare food in a healthy manner, and what food they need to consume and its proportions. The problem that is creating this problem is the FDA. FDA stands for Food and Drug Administration, they are subsets of the U.S department of human Rights and health, their slogan is "Protecting and promoting you health" ( If this is the case then they must be the most educated upon what is a healthy diet? They are in charge in making sure production of food is happening in a healthy manner, SO THEN WHY ARE THEY NOT DOING THEIR JOB? The FDA is witness to all the horrors of how food is made (not grown, or raised) in America so why do they let so much of it slide? Another huge issue that causes the dominant discourse view of food, as poison is the PROPAGANDA, everywhere, EVEN ON THE FOOD CHANNEL! Their is this one show called Unwrapped where the host brings the viewers through the process of mass-produced items and reveals how they are made, with things such as Butch's baked beans, tootsie rolls, tofu, pre-made ribs, barbecue sauce, canned corn, and so on. The show doesn't go into depth of all the ingredients or all the chemicals that are added to make these products but they do show you the procedure, the colossal amounts, and the dirty factories. Still the manage with a light-hearted atmosphere to make you feel comfortable with mass-production and make the viewer feel as if they know it well, and it is a good process. They also attempt to break the wall of not knowing the person who made your food so they give the company history and make it a family affair. Other propaganda are commercials on television for food are only for either diets (which who knows what kind of crap they send you in the mail), fast-food restaurant, chain supermarkets such as key-food, and other mass-produced items, NOT ONCE WILL YOU SEE A COMMERCIAL FOR ORGANIC FOOD OR FARMING! The biggest propaganda is probably the lazy factor they have instilled in Americans, Mc. Donald’s is an easy quick solution, bagged salad, CAN YOU BELIVE YOU ARE SAVING 3-MINUTES, no washing or pulling apart the head! You can also buy our salad dressing that will save you another 2-Minutes no needs to make your own! The biggest propaganda word in food is FRESH, beware of the word, they try to make you think it is fresh out the ground so it must be healthy but this is just to hide that it doesn’t have hormones and so on. 
Is it Hitler or Ronald Mc Donald ?  

One of the biggest debates that seem to be is the price of food! A lot of Americans are now aware of the quality of mass-produced food because it is not hidden, but the simple fact is they do not have the means or resources to eat healthy! Another debate is whether it is worth the 'effort' of eating healthy. Stated in the New York Times Article Told to Eat Its Vegetables,America Orders Fries(Health section, SEPT. 24. 2010)"The nation has long had a complicated relationship with vegetables. People know that vegetables can improve health. But they’re a lot of work. In refrigerators all over the country, produce often dies a slow, limp death because life becomes too busy. “The moment you have something fresh you have to schedule your life around using it, before we want health, we want taste, we want convenience and we want low cost” This is the insight of a typical American and it is truly saddening. 

Unfortunately we live in a society where a reasonably educated (by propaganda) person eats a horrible diet with horrible practices to follow. A typical American diet consist of practically no vegetables, and a whole lot of meat, meat, meat, grease, and excessive amounts of sweets including un-necessary things such as soda. Americans either make this crap themselves or buy pre-made food. They then eat this food in front of a television and this is their foodway. Most Americans eat 3-meals a day and snack tremendously throughout all three, eating junk such as Doritos, Twinkies, Tyson chicken nuggets, ranch sauces, beef jerky, candy, cookies, and so on. Things such as mass-produced juice, instead of simply having the juice of an apple, added to is chemicals to preserve, concentrate of other fruit, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, all these ingredients that are UN-NECESSARY. Americans now have a palate use to this crap, so pure and natural does not taste good!

September 27, 2010

My FoodWay

I think foodways in America changed as we industrialized, as the economic profit of produce became more important then the quality, and our mind state became produce more with less, to achieve the most profit possible. Leading to making mass amounts of product, in the shortest time possible, with the longest possible conservancy. This has lead American food production to add many chemicals to make nourishment transportable, have long shelf life, to look the most appealing (because of our society's obsession with 'perfection'), and to be as big as possible so the consumer has the notion that they are getting their money's worth. This is because our society has forgotten the golden concept that it is not about quantity it's about quality. Our Foodways have evolved tremendously over time, at the beginning of time most produce was received by own labor or solely by neighboring people such as trading. People grew their own crops in an easy quantity enough to sustain their family, and had a few of their own animals they raised for produce, and then their was hunting and fishing. As society grew people began dividing up such labors as some people had small farms that were maintained with solely natural work (this is all that existed), some people had cattle, chickens, so on, some people were fisherman, and it was all local and natural. This is because of the things that impeded the people from expanding, because there were no mechanical inventions that could make large quantities and so on. THEN THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION happened, and mass-production began, and started somewhat small until they grew and grew and grew. I believe that sometimes technology is good but then in some aspects of life the most natural and simplest way, is the best way. The way things were intended by the laws of nature. I believe if locality were to become normality again it would solve the loss of quality not solely in food but in materialistic things as well. I think since things have become mass produced like Goya, H&M, Nike, ford, and so on we have lost the sense of value and what it really means to make something by hand and not by machine, which has caused us to need such abundance of everything.  

I think I HAVE PRETTY AMAZING FOODWAY’S! I was blessed with a home where food is valued and only used in natural quality, this influence is mainly from my mother but my father follows. I find the sole way I differ with my parents foodways are my dedication to quality of food. I am all for it but honestly when it comes to lunch time at school I get caught up in the factor of what is the cheapest not the healthiest and this is because my parents can only afford to give me $30 a week for my lunch which I already highly appreciate. I try to bring my own lunch when possible but it proves to be a challenge. I think that this is poor behavior on my part because one must practice what they preach, or I believe so. I think foodways are mostly influenced by family because as a child you don't know about food you are provided nourishment. I UNFOURTNELY think the biggest influence on foodways for all of our society is MONEY! Besides the rich, I believe almost everyone would eat differently if they could afford to do so. It sickens me that if you are poor you do not have the choice to get real quality food unless you live on a farm. Its as if the way our food is made is not only another tactic to make the rich richer, but to continue to diabolically suppress the poor, whom the crap is all the can afford to consume, and geographically all that is available. It also hurts my heart that our society no longer cares for the quality of life of others simply their quality of life and how to provide more money for themselves.

I am very proud of the food I consume in my home, it is almost always delicious and always healthy, and when it comes from my French roots it gives me a sense of patriotism and home that I adore and relish. Throughout our immediate family friends, and my friends, and my fathers family (expect my mothers family because its normal) my mother is known for her mouth-watering food, and gives me a sense of gratification. This meal, is a more American style meal, two steaks cooked rare, which were bought at Stew Leonard’s that has all organic, grass fed, free range cattle from Connecticut. Carrots, which were pan simmered.. My mother slightly caramelizes some onions in olive oil and then added raw cut up carrots and then adds thyme and salt and lets it cook slowly (I LOVE CARROTS COOKED LIKE THIS THEY HAVE SUCH A RICH TASTE AND ARE SO SWEET). These carrots were purchased at a green market and come from an organic farm in Schoharie County. A mixed green salad from my mother’s job, which comes from an organic farm, the dressing is our typical homemade salad dressing olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and a pressed garlic clove, which comes from our friend’s organic farm. The last thing on the menu is potatoes which my mother cut and half, rubbed with sea salt, and baked in the oven. The potatoes are from the same place as the carrots and the sea salt come from my mother’s hometown, which was harvested from the Mediterranean Sea.

This is the chef(my manman) of this meal

 This is my plate which, I devoured! And had another serving !
My Fridge 

 One of My Cupboards 

September 23, 2010

A Trip to Wendys & the GREENMARKET (union sq.)

          Screaming employee: "10 frosties for a dollar" "10 frosties for a dollar", "YOU CAN'T BEAT IT, buy this coupon book for a dollar, and get 10 free frostie coupons"... The lovely teeth-pulling greeting I received upon entering the Wendy’s, then the even nicer greeting,  the lovely welcome of the fabulous fragrance that lingers in their establishment. The smell of rotten grease rushing out of their kitchen faster than white water rapids. The first thing that catches my eye is a hanging commercial with a Wendy’s coffee cup on it "Freshly brewed for you, one at a time!” The biggest bullshit ever. They have a machine that they fill up which makes a bunch of cups, perhaps they pour(which involves pushing a button) and serve it one at a time. What does this commercial attempt to fool you upon, the fact THAT THEY ARE A MASS-PRODUCTION FAST FOOD RESTURANT? Everything is done all at once in HUGE amounts, and is NOT done for you! It is done for their CEO, whom has no consideration for their client’s health; their consideration is quote on quote for the consumer’s pocket, the cheapest deal! This unfortunately is what attracts all the costumers, not the quality of the food, the "un-beatable price", and the only reason this price is available is because they cut all possible corners and get the cheapest raw ingredients possible, leading to the worst quality. Hysterical, I decided to visit the Wendy's website and click on "About us" and this is the propaganda they are spewing "At Wendy's®, we don't cut corners with our hamburgers or our ingredients. Our thought is: it's better to go through the trouble to serve quality food made with fresh ingredients. That's why Quality is our Recipe." When all they do is cut corners by buying the worst ingredients possible, all they repeat IS FRESH THIS FRESH THAT, fresh from the gutters!! Fresh does not tell me anything all it tells me is that you are beating around the bush because you are a deceitful money guzzler. They claim quality is our recipe, how is this possible if they don't use quality ingredients. Me & this insane (good) man named Andy had a short conversation with a couple (Danny & Latisha) eating at the Wendy's. What I grasped from the questions we asked them is they were solely eating at Wendy’s because this is all they could afford in the union square neighborhood, they never shop at the GreenMarket because it is too expensive, so instead they buy from stands on the street which is fresh (the deceiving word) and way cheaper. THIS IS SADDENING! Us Americans do not eat healthy because it is not affordable. I wonder what the CEO of Wendy's eats, Wendy's every night, his own fast food establishment in his house... ERRR probably a personal chef, why would he eat his own crap that’s just ignorant.
ABOVE: GreenMarket map/UNDER: Wendy's map

          After escaping the grease chamber, I went to the GreenMarket, and picked up a GreenMarket location map. At the information desk the manager is telling Andy and I how they have expanded and got more and more locations but looking at the map above the thought came to my mind, this isn't all of New York, did they run out of paper? Yeah, right.. They just don't place markets in the boondocks where people need the enlightenment of quality food the most! Look at the Bronx, there are four locations, and two locations are right next to each other, why is that? There is not one GreenMarket in Harlem, and there are GreenMarkets ONE ON TOP OF THE OTHER in downtown Manhattan. This really grinds my gears why isn't there the same opportunity for everyone, why must we fight for equality when we are a nation "based" on freedom? The most upsetting part is under the map in SUPER FINE PRINT "* Red apples denote GreenMarkets that accept Food Stamps/EBT July-November". How about December, January, February, March, April, June. Do people on welfare not deserve quality nourishment during those months, is that when they should go back to mass-produced? 
           I then Google mapped Wendy locations in New York City and compared the amount to GreenMarkets, surprisingly and thankfully their are more GreenMarket locations then Wendy's but on the other hand Wendy's serves in the boondocks unlike GreenMarket. I hope that one day GreenMarkets will be the normality and Wendy's will be the exception.


September 21, 2010

Food - Initial Thoughts

Food is the fuel to life, and thankfully unlike some processes that we rely on for survival IT'S SUBLIME, I would go as far as to say HEAVNLY! This is solely for the people who have enough chance the environment they inhabit gives them the opportunity to eat what they please and as much as they please. (MONEY STATUS PERMITTING). I consider the food I eat sacred because so many people around the world either have no food at all or eat food that shouldn’t even be considered proper nourishment because of the way it is made, and many of the people simply live this way because they are brainwashed by the government that what they are given is “good” and all that truly matters is the mass corporation makes more money, not the quality of consumers health. Honestly I don’t honor my food with what respect it deserves when my mother buys the groceries and puts them in the fridge. I see no price tag, and haven’t induced any labor to get the money, to provide the supply of food or to make this food. However when I buy food with my own money or make the meal myself I treat my food with more respect, but when I respect my food the most and it taste the best is when I pick it, kill it, catch it OR (WHEN MY GRANDMOTHER COOKS IN FRANCE, SHE IS THE BEST CHEF EVER!).

          My family owns a country house in upstate New York (Delaware County) in a minuscule town called Roxbury. Across the road is an organic farm, which is owned, and ran by a family friend named Tovey Halleck. I have been all over the farm since we bought the property and have done all sorts of things such as, weed, plant, pick, take care of the animals, kill the animals, and help run their local farm stands (also hanging out with all the interesting individuals it attracts with magnetic strength). When I am in the fields and eat the vegetables raw; with remnants of dirt is when the food tastes the purist. He has a field that is only sweet corn; eaten raw in the field is like biting into gold, with a sweet texture like Dulce de Leche and rice pudding combined, but with the flavor of corn. I come from a household where food is one of the biggest events, on my mother’s side; my grandmother cooks food to die for, and had 3 daughters and all 3 work in culinary environments. I have been raised to only eat organic and not mass-produced when possible and affordable, no other drinks at the table but water and wine, eating fruit, and cheese, and ALWAYS SALAD. I come from a home that places food on a shrine... When I was younger on a typical brick cold day I would go to the Chinese restaurant on my schools block and get a warm deep-fried eggroll, I thought it was the best, a burning coal to embrace with decent taste and a full belly for a buck! I would put my key into the door, turn the key, close the door, greet my mother and out of her mouth would come ***"Tu peu la friture Eloise! TU ET ALLET OU ENCORE?! UNLEVE MOI SE MONTO"…."Je t'aime ousi maman". "You stink like deep fry Eloise! WHERE DID YOU GO AGAIN? TAKE OFF THAT COAT”…..” Love you too ma”. I must admit this may have prompted my desire to eat crap (im rebelling aren’t I cool) but as I grow older and realize the way I eat is not the norm in The United States, when the resources could be available this… is not a what we would call al 3rd world country, even though we seem to act like savages that we should have dared called "3rd world countries" before…. Whatever that ranking’s signify. When meat taste the best is when I stay at my grandmother’s house in France and she buys all her food from the local butcher who is a local free-range supplier she’s known for 40 years. Following the traditional French culture to buy all produce local and at each separate store for the item, such as the butcher, the pasta and cheese shop, the fisherman stand, the vegetable market, the wine for the vineyard producer and so on. Even though this is strong in French culture it is fading and more mass-produced corporations are being used such as fast food. If food consumption was local everywhere in the USA, everyone would automatically have better health’s, through better diet. 

          I have adopted this passion for food like the women of my blood and flesh before me. Recently I’ve been learning all I can from my mother and all the cultures I have been exposed to in anyways. My dream for when I live alone, and must cook I want to cook all different culture’s taste bud palette spectrums. Lately I seem to have this fascination with Indian food but I love and somewhat know, southern, Provencal Mediterranean, Creole style, all sorts of Latin American, and some classic Americans.