In your project you tried to convey that funeral homes not only sell materialistic items but a sense of reassurance to the customer. Whether you are for or against is not really stated just how the customers use the outlandish items they buy to comfort them selves with the idea of losing a loved one.
I really loved your artwork as it is beautiful, powerful, and the colors look really amazing, I like the texture, and how you connected the words with string (especially the string you used it added a nice touch contrasted well with the blue) I loved how un personal the vendor seems because we dont see his head ! I also think that your writing was very concise and powerful !
First of I like the little personal touches to your blog like the checks, and what do YOU think ? hahaha.. very cute..
I think in your prokect you tried to summarize the 7 stages of greif and how they usually happen for most people and how it effects their daily life and the importance of such feelings. You then represented this with a visual.
I thought that your visual was very powerful and the colors you choose and how you faded them made me really feel a surge of emotions that for me were warm positive STRONG overwhelming feelings. I really value how connected I felt to your artwork. I also really value that you have concluded that death ironically, is important for us living to live through.
My only advice that I could give you is that your stages of greif seem kind of narrow and try and place evryone in a certain order and I think that emotions like this are hard to make a specific "lay out for" When you said you put them in your own order, i think this would have been more powerful (if you have greived a death) to discuss your own stages.
I did think this was nice though because we did not really discuss emotional connections that much and this is definatley an automatic ritual.
GREAT JOB MARTYNA, I loved your art work and the flow of ideas you represented your thoughts well. BE PROUD !
En su "blog post" usted habla de lo que pasa con el cuerpo cuando muere y es dejado a descompóngarse, y los etapas differentes hasta que son uno con la tierra.
Me da felizidad que mi "blog post" le dio la inspiracion de escribir este ensayo. Yo creo que dio mucha informacion buena rapidamenete y muy claramente. Creo que era muy interesante.
Pero me pregunata como usted personalmente piensas sobre este subjeto y lo que usted quiere hacer con su cuerpo. Me gusto much so texto.
perdon que mi espanol es tan "rusty" !
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I'm curious what Ms. Flesh will truly feel upon viewing a corpse. I imagine that the quest to overcome something denied is more palpable as Ms. Flesh is very directed and passionate against an obstacle. I would like to hear more about what she expects of the experience. It is possible to attend a funeral with a body on view just by seeking the information about the time and place of the service and "viewing". Perhaps the experience of group grieving would be valuable to Ms. Flesh. Often times memorial services are listed publicly and I think as long as she is sincere and respectful she could attend a memorial service.
I was with Ms. Flesh upon the death of our dear friend. Personally for me it was not about not having closure. Closure is highly over rated. It is about loss. I personally have a lifetime of loss due to death and have pondered this human existance of ours since I was child. I have not come to any conclusions except that our whole life cycle is incomprehensible to me because the loss is sometimes unbearable. For me closure, or the end of a linear story doesn't make sense to me. Every loss I have experienced is equally as painful today as it was 43 years ago and beyond. I think young people like life to fit into a safe clear idea... but I doubt that in this case that will be possible.
My saving grace is in beauty. For me experiencing art, music or reading authors that resonate with me like Dostoevsky, Solzenitzen, Tolstoy and Lao Tzu help to balance my soul.
I think this is a great idea! How brave of you to look at something that is a source of fear and has a negative connotation for most people and to literally and figuratively look it straight in the face. I appreciate your tenacity in the pursuit of this endeavor, and I wish there was some way for me to help you. It seems odd that a dead body could be so taboo and difficult to see in our society...especially for educational purposes. C'est la vie!
I cried a little but I couldn’t avoid this sense of being calm and serene.
eloise, i have felt this too.
when gary died, i did not feel sad right away. I justfelt calm. but i also felt somethig else. i felt respect. respect not to what he had lost but what he had made throughout his life.
i felt the same whan one of my bestfriend's fathers died. i felt sad for his children, and the time that he might have had with them that he lost: I did not feel sorry for his death. what is death but fo renewal? is it not just to give back to the world which you have taken from all of your life?
stoping people from seeing what we become is not an evil thing. death is a part of a fire that sweeps through a redwood forest, it clears out debries, strenghens bark and helps some new children grow. death itself is not sad; it is how do you leave. do you leave peacefully or in much pain. do you die quietly or with big fuss. it is not the if that matters, but thew when and how.
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