September 23, 2010

A Trip to Wendys & the GREENMARKET (union sq.)

          Screaming employee: "10 frosties for a dollar" "10 frosties for a dollar", "YOU CAN'T BEAT IT, buy this coupon book for a dollar, and get 10 free frostie coupons"... The lovely teeth-pulling greeting I received upon entering the Wendy’s, then the even nicer greeting,  the lovely welcome of the fabulous fragrance that lingers in their establishment. The smell of rotten grease rushing out of their kitchen faster than white water rapids. The first thing that catches my eye is a hanging commercial with a Wendy’s coffee cup on it "Freshly brewed for you, one at a time!” The biggest bullshit ever. They have a machine that they fill up which makes a bunch of cups, perhaps they pour(which involves pushing a button) and serve it one at a time. What does this commercial attempt to fool you upon, the fact THAT THEY ARE A MASS-PRODUCTION FAST FOOD RESTURANT? Everything is done all at once in HUGE amounts, and is NOT done for you! It is done for their CEO, whom has no consideration for their client’s health; their consideration is quote on quote for the consumer’s pocket, the cheapest deal! This unfortunately is what attracts all the costumers, not the quality of the food, the "un-beatable price", and the only reason this price is available is because they cut all possible corners and get the cheapest raw ingredients possible, leading to the worst quality. Hysterical, I decided to visit the Wendy's website and click on "About us" and this is the propaganda they are spewing "At Wendy's®, we don't cut corners with our hamburgers or our ingredients. Our thought is: it's better to go through the trouble to serve quality food made with fresh ingredients. That's why Quality is our Recipe." When all they do is cut corners by buying the worst ingredients possible, all they repeat IS FRESH THIS FRESH THAT, fresh from the gutters!! Fresh does not tell me anything all it tells me is that you are beating around the bush because you are a deceitful money guzzler. They claim quality is our recipe, how is this possible if they don't use quality ingredients. Me & this insane (good) man named Andy had a short conversation with a couple (Danny & Latisha) eating at the Wendy's. What I grasped from the questions we asked them is they were solely eating at Wendy’s because this is all they could afford in the union square neighborhood, they never shop at the GreenMarket because it is too expensive, so instead they buy from stands on the street which is fresh (the deceiving word) and way cheaper. THIS IS SADDENING! Us Americans do not eat healthy because it is not affordable. I wonder what the CEO of Wendy's eats, Wendy's every night, his own fast food establishment in his house... ERRR probably a personal chef, why would he eat his own crap that’s just ignorant.
ABOVE: GreenMarket map/UNDER: Wendy's map

          After escaping the grease chamber, I went to the GreenMarket, and picked up a GreenMarket location map. At the information desk the manager is telling Andy and I how they have expanded and got more and more locations but looking at the map above the thought came to my mind, this isn't all of New York, did they run out of paper? Yeah, right.. They just don't place markets in the boondocks where people need the enlightenment of quality food the most! Look at the Bronx, there are four locations, and two locations are right next to each other, why is that? There is not one GreenMarket in Harlem, and there are GreenMarkets ONE ON TOP OF THE OTHER in downtown Manhattan. This really grinds my gears why isn't there the same opportunity for everyone, why must we fight for equality when we are a nation "based" on freedom? The most upsetting part is under the map in SUPER FINE PRINT "* Red apples denote GreenMarkets that accept Food Stamps/EBT July-November". How about December, January, February, March, April, June. Do people on welfare not deserve quality nourishment during those months, is that when they should go back to mass-produced? 
           I then Google mapped Wendy locations in New York City and compared the amount to GreenMarkets, surprisingly and thankfully their are more GreenMarket locations then Wendy's but on the other hand Wendy's serves in the boondocks unlike GreenMarket. I hope that one day GreenMarkets will be the normality and Wendy's will be the exception.


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